Embrace Your Power

Brand Identity & Social Media


To design a brand identity and social media content for Embrace Your Power.


Embrace Your Power founded by Hattie Green is a global virtual events space. It is all about starting the next step and bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be!

Hattie needed a brand geared for social media which communicated the power of talking and life coaching. The logos emphasise ‘your’ because you are the most important person, and is framed by a speech bubble.

The brand also includes 3 graphic elements:

- The arrows signify direction, movement, and journey.
- A circle is a symbol of vitality, wholeness and completion.
- The plus symbol indicates adding and positivity.

Amy Lewis Design went on to create social media content for Embrace Your Power. The content is promotional, educational and inspirational.


Learning Hive


One Percent Better